About me

I am a postdoc advised by Prof. Sriram Sankararaman at the University of California, Los Angeles. I am developing deep learning based methdologies to impute missing phenotype data in the UK biobank dataset. I obtained my Ph.D./M.A.  under the supervision of Prof. Niraj K. Jha in Electrical and Computer Engineering  at Princeton University.  Earlier, I obtained M.S. Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor where I worked with Prof. Heath Hofmann.  I received my undergraduate in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Gandhinagar.  After my M.S., I worked as a systems engineer in the automotive industry. 

My research interests involve the use of machine learning (ML) to design better and safer systems. My ML methods present an explainable decision framework and is agnostic to the amount of uncertainty.   Here is a summary of my research during my Ph.D. 

I have experience working in varied fields like power electronics, power systems, motor control, besides my current research in machine learning

Feel free to contact me to learn more about my research or possible collaboration opportunities. 

  Prerit Terway, Ph.D.


Computational Medicine and Computer Science, UCLA

 Email: pterway [at] g.ucla.edu


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